Speed Networking @IntlConfex


Starts: 10:00 AM

Ends: 12:00 PM

Olympia London Olympia Way, London W14, UK
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THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED, nevertheless, you can still register and access the on-line event networking area to connect with other attendees.







January 2015 event at Google Campus
January 2015 event at Google Campus

Join the conversation (#SpeedConfex)

Event and contest cancelled
Apologies for any inconvenience but we have been forced to cancel the event at Confex (Wednesday 18 March from 10am) and its associated selfie office contest.

We are going to keep the site live so you can still network on-line.

Apologies again for any inconvenience and we hope we see you at our March event. Reply
Participate in the "office selfie" Confex social media contest and win an iPad Mini 2
Send your "office selfie" to selfie@pickevent.com and get as many shares and likes as you can.

It's great to get some exposure in front of 10,000 professionals attending Confex next week.

Look forward to seeing you at Confex next Wednesday 18 February.

#EventProfs Network
