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The Essence and evolution of a face-to-face event and its transition to the Phygital model

The Essence and evolution of a face-to-face event and its transition to the Phygital model

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The virtual sphere broke with all the geographic gaps and approached all the attendees, in real-time, through a screen, thus creating an unlimited virtual community. Internet is synonymous with speed, convenience and organisation. These three pillars were also decisive for betting on this unpredictable format, as the attendants could see the sessions live or recorded in any place, moment of the day and from any technological device.

This new ‘portable’ model bailed out thousands of event organisers who had to adapt to the format, which not only offered simpler features but also meant an increase in income and a lower cost investment: the price of the entrances were maintained, the capacity increased, and the physical stands and the aesthetic elements disappeared.

Why should you care about the transition of in-person events to a phygital model?

Once the quarantine began in several countries in 2020 many companies began to question and analyse what the future of events would be. 43% of business professionals immediately decreased their event marketing budget.

Much of the industry is still catching up. But in the meantime, what we were not expecting was how this pandemic would accelerate the effectiveness of digital transformation. A recent paper published by McKinsey shows that Covid-19 has accelerated digital transformation by seven years

In this way, it is possible to have an encouraging projection about the future of experiential marketing, since the events industry is expected to experience a CAGR of 11.2% from 2021 to 2028.

These trends point to the huge intersection of the events industry and its connection with the future of media, entertainment, retail, and the future of the skill set an event professional will have to have.

What you’ll learn in this guide on the transition of face-to-face to hybrid/phygital events

As mass vaccination advances in the world, expectations and speculations about what the world will be like when the pandemic finally cools off, grow. Perhaps the sector that most awaits this new scenario, the events industry, is among those that suffered most with Covid-19 and the question that remains is how should it resurface?

This study presents what seems to be an unprecedented advance in the events industry, considering its numerous advantages and caveats.

Attending face-to-face again is a unique sensation, so we’ll show you case studies of events that shifted from in-person to digital, as well as what’s the next step, which will layer virtual over reality.

Who’s this guide on phygital events for?

This guide is highly recommended for:

In summary, it’s been made for Events, Marketing, and Business Professionals that want to remain competitive in the market, with the tech-savvy and digital-first skill set that will be requested from them in this post-covid hybrid events era. It fits the needs of both beginners and experienced professionals in the field.

Click here to get free access to the full whitepaper now.

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