#EventProfs Network

Content generated through an event
I'm a Content and Community Manager working at #EventProfs Network by Pickevent

7 Don'ts in Social Media for Events

Social media is the most powerful form of marketing and market research today. Therefore, when it comes to promoting events, social media poses an exciting opportunity for event organizers to drive engagement, attract more attendees and build a strong community at every stage of the event lifecycle. But what are the most common social media mistakes event planners do? Read on and make sure you don’t make these mistakes yourself.


  1. Ignore your audience

One of the worst things that you can do is to refuse to answer your audience’s questions or comments. Social media is all about interaction. What’s the point of making a post or asking a question if you’re not going to respond to any questions or comments? You should always interacting with your social media fans.


  1. Use too many hashtags

Many event planners end up using too many hashtags in order to promote their event. Pick out a few hashtags to use otherwise you will come across like you’re spamming your followers.


  1. Being impolite

You should avoid being impolite with audience members. It is absolutely fine to disagree with them but there is nothing worse than say things that you cannot take back once you said them online. 


  1. Avoid talking only about your event

If you want to engage with your audience and become a valued member of a community, you have to avoid posting only about you and your event because this could turn people away and lose followers. Don’t be too self-promotional.


  1. Don’t overrule the conversation??

You can’t prevent people of what they will say about your event. Social media is a conversation. All you can do is to use your voice through social media and be prepared to respond to the bad comments your attendees make about your event instead of try to monitor the conversation.


  1. Repeat the same content

When you continue using the same content over and over again, this could end up being very annoying for your audience. Make sure you use recourses (such as engaging articles, photos or videos related to your event) to liven up the content you’ve already created.


  1. Using only one social media channel

Don’t limit yourself to only one social media channel. Make sure you create content relevant to your event in multiple social media channels. Your audience will definitely be checking different social channels or use a different social media channel than the one you use to promote your event.Make sure you keep your audience informed everywhere.


What do you think? Are there more mistakes event planners should avoid doing in social media promotion for events?