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Eventscase Monthly News Round-Up April 2022

en monthly apr 22 - Eventscase Monthly News Round-Up April 2022

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If spring is a time of renewal and rebirth, then we are definitely feeling it at Eventscase as we enjoy a time of increasing opportunities, meetings, reunions, and – of course – events!

The recovery of the events market is no longer just a wish; it is now a reality. We only have to look back at all the events we’ve helped realise this month to say with certainty that we are leaving behind a dry spell that tested all of us in our remarkable industry over the last two years.

We put in a lot of effort to be where we are today. We have improved our product and learned to adapt. Now we are simply eager to be part of this beautiful recovery as we continually hope for the best.

Our love for in-person events will never go away. We have a dedicated staff that is always ready to accompany our clients for their onsite needs such as with badging and check-ins. In line with the palpable recovery of our sector, our onsite boxes have finally been renewed and shipped to clients after being stored in our facilities for too long.

Here are some of the events in which our team was present this month:


Our team went to Valencia to support one of our most beloved clients, the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology, CDTI, in its 11th Conference of the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation in Spain: The New Horizon for Europe. Stay tuned because we are preparing a Case Study about this event where we will talk about the whole process of configuring, developing and executing processes related to our platform to help make this event a reality.


Our badging and check-in solution ensured that attendees at Plant Medicine Week organised by Microdose Psychedelic Insights enjoyed queue-free access to the venue. The event brought together experts from around the world to discuss the future of medical cannabis and psychedelics in various sectors.


What better way to celebrate the Global Meetings Industry Day than with our partners from MPI Iberian Chapter. It was a 100% face-to-face event where MPI also celebrated the fourth edition of its awards to highlight and recognise various professionals in the events industry. After a few months of hard work configuring this event, we are very pleased to have provided our technological solutions, in this case, the registration, the website and the check-in app, to make the work of the organisers of this special event easier.

MPI Iberian Awards 2022, GMID, Madrid.


We are collaborating with EMA on a newly-conceived but brilliant idea. We are preparing a specialised seminar, exclusive for EMA members, regarding the organisation of hybrid events on April 28th. This will be the first session, and the second one will be held the following month on May 24th, where we will focus on data and analytics, which are essential for organising better events today. Those who attend both sessions will receive the certification endorsed by both organisations. 

Pilar Jiménez, Vice President of EMA, Sam García, Head of Training and Documentation at Eventscase and Mentxu Sendino, CMO at Eventscase will go through the different parts of the event and the technical and non-technical issues to take into account throughout the event manager journey in the organisation of successful hybrid events.

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