Author: Mentxu Sendino

I'm Mentxu Sendino, CMO at EventsCase. I believe in content marketing as a brand value, a fundamental element on which to base the credibility of organisations. LinkedIn

Crafting the Perfect Event Registration Form: A Guide to Enhancing Attendee Experience and Streamlining Data Collection

In event organisation, the registration form is not only part of your first contact with participants, it is also directly related to your success. Effective form design ensures a positive user experience and optimal data management. This blog explores strategies and examples on how to create attractive and functional registration forms, highlighting the importance of elements such as brevity, accuracy and personalisation. It also provides a step-by-step approach to design a form that meets the needs of any event.

How to Avoid Ticket Scalping at Your Event: Tips and Recommendations

At Eventscase, we recognise the significance of providing a secure and gratifying experience for participants. The issue of ticket resale, riddled with frauds, not only tarnishes the reputation of organisers but also jeopardises the financial safety of purchasers. In this article, we will delve into strategies and technological innovations aimed at preventing ticket resale fraud, thereby safeguarding the integrity and standing of your events.

Streamlined Event Management: QR Codes for Events and Access Control Systems

In this post we discuss the transformative role of QR codes in event management, highlighting their use in streamlining registration and access, providing instant information, and facilitating engagement and networking. It details how QR codes enhance efficiency, reduce queues, and offer personalised experiences for attendees. The implementation of QR codes as part of an access control system is also covered, emphasizing the need for suitable hardware, strategic placement, and integration with event management software for a secure and efficient attendee management.