Author: Mentxu Sendino

I'm Mentxu Sendino, CMO at EventsCase. I believe in content marketing as a brand value, a fundamental element on which to base the credibility of organisations. LinkedIn

‘Did You Know?’ Episode 8 – Push Notifications: You choose!

Did you know that we spend approximately 3 hours a day on our mobile devices and 90% of that time is dedicated to apps? In the world of events, push notifications are more than just a tool; they are a strategy to capture attendees’ attention. In the latest session of our ‘Did you know?’ series, we explored how you can maximise push notifications within the Eventscase platform.

Did you know: The website you want

“5,000 People, 5,000 Personal Journeys” is the name of a research paper conducted by the PCMA Foundation on their latest ‘Convening Leaders’ conference. One of the main takeaways is that there is a huge challenge to personalise the attendee experience. 

Considering the scale and design of any event, it can be difficult to meet the needs of attendees and, in the end, what should be a smooth and tailored experience may become strained and spiritless.