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“Did you know?” 2024: February Releases

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The success of an event is not only measured by the quality of its content or the relevance of its panel discussions, but also by the networking opportunities it offers. From our experience at Eventscase, we have observed that networking has become a critical component of business development and the expansion of professional networks.

Why is networking at events so important?

According to a recent study in MarketSplash, more than 60% of professionals report that their most significant work or business opportunities come from meetings at events. These face-to-face interactions allow them to build deeper and more lasting relationships, which are essential in the professional environment.

When it comes to employment, studies show that connections and referrals are essential to hiring, with 67% of employers confirming that the hiring process is faster and less costly through referrals, and over 70% of participants in a LinkedIn survey were hired at companies where they had connections.

In addition, in-person networking remains crucial, with 77% of people preferring this method to be able to read the body language and facial expressions of others.

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This preference is also reflected in B2B sales, where over 40% of face-to-face meetings result in new customers. Investment in face-to-face networking meetings generates $12.5 for every $1 invested, underlining the effectiveness of these interactions for business growth.

In this context, it is essential to have the right tools in place to maximise these opportunities. Technology plays a crucial role, and this is something we deeply understand at Eventscase. That’s why we offer innovative solutions to enhance the experience at events through networking software.

Innovation at Eventscase: Facilitating effective networking

In our last session of “Did you know?”, we presented our latest features:

Advanced meeting planning

Through our platform, organisers can upload a CSV file of planned meetings, simplifying the networking process and allowing attendees to maximise their time at the event.

These innovations not only facilitate networking between professionals but also enrich the overall event experience, ensuring that every participant can make the most of the opportunities available.

More advances in Artificial Intelligence

In addition to this new functionality, we are also introducing a new development related to Artificial Intelligence, our AI Assistant. We introduce an integration of our AI tool into the event website, providing a more intuitive and personalised experience for users.

Want to know more? Register now!

Effective networking can make the difference between a successful event and a forgettable one. With Eventscase solutions, organisers have everything they need to create memorable encounters that foster meaningful and lasting professional relationships.

We invite you to register for our on-demand content session, where we will explore in more depth how our innovations are transforming networking at events.

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