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‘Did You Know?’ Episode 10 – A year recap

Promotional Codes and Badges, Proper Order and Configuration, Eventscase, event management, Events Software

Table of Contents

As we reach the end of the year, it’s time to summarise some key activities at Eventscase including our on-demand learning series “Did you know?”.

Throughout 2023, Eventscase has provided a series of educational sessions which focuses on the lesser-known but significant features of our platform. These sessions were designed to assist users in becoming advanced users by delving into specific functions of the Eventscase platform that might have otherwise gone unnoticed.

The sessions covered a variety of topics relevant to event management

In the first session, we explored the use of UTM parameters and how they can aid in understanding which channels are most effective for an event’s marketing strategy. We also examined the integration of Eventscase with Zapier, demonstrating how this collaboration can automate workflows and connect the platform with other tools used by event organisers.

In another session, we addressed efficient communication at events, highlighting the use of automated messages and the capability of Eventscase’s messaging system to facilitate communication between event managers and attendees.

Additionally, we looked at the importance of a functional and specialised website for events, considering how different configurations can influence content visibility for various user categories and ticket types.

In the realm of gamification, we analysed how it can be used to create memorable experiences at events. We presented practical examples of games implemented through the Eventscase event app, such as leaderboards and augmented reality puzzles.

The topic of the final session we held was how to effectively set up promotional codes and badges, highlighting their direct impact on the attendee experience and the importance of their correct ordering and configuration on the platform.

Enhance the efficiency and satisfaction

Each session in the “Did you know?” series was designed to enhance the efficiency and satisfaction of both event organisers and attendees, focusing on specific features of the Eventscase platform.

We believe we have achieved the goal we set at the beginning of the year with these sessions and want to thank everyone who has accessed any or all of the contents as they were released.

Bear in mind that the “Did You Know?” sessions will be available indefinitely. All the sessions are available for you to watch whenever you wish. You can access from the button below

For now, here is a video summary of what “Did you know?” has been about.

See you in 2024 with new ideas, projects, and learning proposals!

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