A Complete Guide to Organising Briefings


Table of Contents

Organising briefings is an essential skill for any event organiser looking to ensure the success of their projects. Effective business briefings are the cornerstone of smooth communication, team coordination, and flawless event execution. In this article, we will delve into how to organise briefings effectively, exploring everything from their importance to best practices.

Why are Briefings Important?

Briefings are more than just meetings; they are opportunities to align the team, set clear objectives, and address potential challenges. Organising effective briefings is crucial to keep all team members on the same page and ensure that the event runs smoothly.

Benefits of Effective Work Meetings

Improving Communication

Briefings facilitate the exchange of ideas, allowing each team member to contribute their perspective. This is vital for identifying opportunities and preventing misunderstandings. According to a Forbes study, effective communication can increase team productivity by 25%.

Clarification of Objectives

By organising briefings, the objectives of the event can be established and reinforced. This ensures that everyone understands their role and how they contribute to the overall success.


Effective business meetings help identify challenges before they become major problems. A Harvard Business Review article highlights that addressing obstacles early can save significant time and resources.

Team Building

These meetings strengthen relationships between team members, promoting collaboration and mutual support.


Steps to Organising Briefings

Organising briefings requires more than simply convening the team; it involves strategic planning and careful execution. Here are the key steps to achieve this:

Define the Purpose of the Meeting

Before sending out invitations, it is essential to clearly define the purpose of the meeting: is it to share updates, plan future actions, or solve specific problems?

Set Clear Objectives

Specify Targets

When organising briefings, detail what you hope to achieve. For example, “Assign responsibilities for event X” or “Resolve logistical challenges”.

Align with Event

Ensure that the objectives of the meeting are directly related to the overall goals of the event.

Communicating the Purpose

Include the purpose in the invitation so that participants arrive prepared.

Prepare a Detailed Agenda

An agenda is the backbone of any effective briefing. It provides structure and keeps the focus on the important issues.

Include Relevant Issues

Prioritise Key Issues

Identify the most critical issues to be addressed when organising briefings.

Assign Times

Set a specific time for each agenda item to keep the meeting on track.


Send the agenda to participants before the meeting so that they can prepare.

Selecting the Right Participants

The effectiveness of business briefings depends to a large extent on having the right people in the room.

Identify Key Members

Include those whose input is essential to the issues under discussion.

Avoid Overbooking

Invite only those who need to be present to avoid unnecessarily large meetings and maintain productivity.

Encourage Diversity of Opinion

Ensure that there is adequate representation from different departments or areas of expertise.

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Choosing the Right Time and Place

The context in which the meeting takes place can significantly influence its success.

Selecting a Distraction-Free Space

A quiet environment facilitates concentration and the exchange of ideas.

Schedule at a Convenient Time

Avoid conflicting schedules or times of high workload for participants.

Consider Logistics

If some members are in different locations, plan to include remote participation options.

Best Practices for Successful Briefings

Beyond basic planning, there are practices that can raise the quality of your briefings.


Encourage Active Participation

An effective meeting is one in which all participants are actively involved.

Ask Open Questions

This encourages participants to share their thoughts and experiences by organising briefings.

Assign Roles

Appoint facilitators, note takers or discussion leaders to engage team members.

Creating a Safe Environment

Foster a culture where ideas and opinions are valued and respected.

Use Technological Tools

Technology can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of business briefings.

Videoconferencing Platforms

Use Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Google Meet to include remote participants when organising briefings.

Collaboration Tools  

Tools like Trello, Asana or Slack can help with task tracking and ongoing communication.

Project Management Software

Implement solutions such as Basecamp or Monday.com to keep everyone informed about the progress of the event.

Event Management Software

Consider using event management software like Eventscase, so your entire team can access changes and modifications in real-time.


Post-Meeting Follow-up

The work does not end when the meeting concludes. Proper follow-up is crucial.

Distribute Minutes

Send a summary of the points discussed and decisions taken when organising briefings.

Assign Tasks and Deadlines

Clarify who is responsible for what and set deadlines.

Request Feedback

Ask participants how future working briefings could be improved.



Organising effective briefings is a core competency for any event organiser. By following careful planning, encouraging active participation, and using technological tools, you can transform your business briefings into engines of productivity and success. Remember that the ultimate goal is to align the team, clarify objectives, and ensure that each member is equipped to contribute to the success of the event. Implement these strategies the next time you’re hosting briefings and watch the results improve.

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Mentxu Sendino

I'm Mentxu Sendino, CMO at EventsCase. I believe in content marketing as a brand value, a fundamental element on which to base the credibility of organisations.

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