
Always aiming higher: say hello to Eventscase’s new brand
find event vendors - How to Find Vendors for an Event
Event vendors might seem indispensable. But like with any supplier, the reliable ones are incredibly hard to find. Veteran organisers Read more
event strategies - How to Nail your Event Strategy in 5 Easy Steps
Need to build an event strategy but don’t know where to start? In just five steps, you could be producing Read more
fun event ideas - Fun Event Ideas for Employees and Clients
Just because you run a professional business, it doesn’t mean your events have to be dull, dry or boring. Your Read more
event planning - Event Planning Ideas to Keep you on Time, on Budget and in Control
God bless our event organisers. Their tireless work helps attendees around the world to build contacts, knowledge and sample new Read more
event promotion social media - Event Marketing Ideas: Mastering Promotion Via Social Media
Social networks are ideal for keeping abreast of the latest from your friends, favourite brands and sports teams. They’re also Read more
promoting event instagram - How to Use Instagram to Promote your Event and Mistakes to Avoid
Instagram is a great platform to use to connect to both a local and broader audience. The platform encourages engagement Read more
looking for sponsors - Who are the Companies that Sponsor Events, and Why Do They Do It?
Event sponsors take many shapes and sizes. You could be looking for a bank to reserve the biggest stand at Read more
recruitment event ideas recruitment events - Recruitment Event Ideas to Deliver Talent to your Door
All companies need staff, and all recruiters should believe they can find them. Sometimes, though, it pays to take the Read more
event branding marketing - Why Event Branding Could Be Your Best Marketing Investment
What makes a brand recognisable? Is it their service or products? Perhaps their values and personnel? Without detracting too much Read more
event venue finding tips - Event Venue Finding Tips - Choosing a Venue for an Event
Finding the perfect event venue should be an enjoyable task. In reality, it is a constant challenge. The market is Read more
blog event marketing strategies for gaining awareness virality and sales event marketing strategies - Event Marketing Strategies for Gaining Awareness, Virality and Sales
Events need audiences, and those audiences need a way of finding events. The connection is often forged by marketing, which Read more
event marketing - What is Event Marketing? Going Through the Basics
What is event marketing? With a bit of luck, you’re not asking this question in the middle of an empty Read more