Tag: Event Technology

Maximising Productivity: 5 Time Management Tips for Event Planners

Time management is critical for success in any industry, but it is especially important in the events industry. Events are complex, highly-orchestrated occasions that require meticulous planning and coordination. A single missed deadline or overlooked detail can result in disastrous consequences for the event and its organiser. In order to achieve success in the events industry, it is essential to master time management skills.

10 Tips to Implement a Digital Marketing Strategy in Your Event

While having face-to-face events is still the crowd-favourite format, the events industry has to take strides when it comes to digital marketing. Strategies from 10 years ago may no longer work since the digital landscape changes so much in short periods of time. What’s looming on the horizon—and which seems to be the current buzzword—is artificial intelligence. How will it affect our industry in the future? This is just one of the questions we have to keep asking as we adapt with the times.